COVID-19 Update #8
Due to the low COVID-19 transmission rates over the past two weeks the Premier has confirmed that from Monday 25 May, 2020, all students will return to their school and ELC. Calvary will be following the guidelines announced by the Premier.
It is recognised that some parents may still choose to keep their child at home due to concerns about COVID-19 or for medical reasons. This is an acceptable decision and your child won’t be marked as being absent, rather that they are learning from home, as long as you have notified the College of your decision.
It is important to note that where parents elect to continue to learn from home, the parent or carer is responsible for the student’s safety at home or elsewhere. This includes ensuring their children stay at home and continue their learning using the MyCalvary platform. The MyCalvary platform will continue to be accessible for the remainder of this term and will provide a modified program that offers support and advice for learning from home only. The modified program at the College will be different to that at home.
Both the Primary and Secondary Directors will outline more information regarding the curriculum and assessment journey for Term 2 in upcoming communications. The Creative Arts program will resume as per our regular lessons as of Monday 25 May. Please note assemblies, interschool activities, excursions, sports or arts events such as concerts and performances will continue to be postponed until further notice.
For those families returning, I would ask parents and carers to pay particular attention to the requirement for adults to maintain physical/social distancing of 1.5m at all times should you need to be on College grounds. Parents and carers should not gather in areas around the College such as carparks, at the College entry and outside classrooms during this time. Our staff will provide polite reminders of these requirements should it be required. Please make use of our ‘drop and go’ area wherever possible.
College sanitising/cleaning will continue to prioritise those areas in use by students and staff, with extra attention to high touch point surfaces such as door handles, light switches, desks, playground equipment, water bubblers, toilets, taps and sinks. Students will continue to be reminded of regular handwashing and hand sanitising, particularly before and after eating, and after going to the toilet.
It is essential that you keep your child home from school if they are unwell. In accordance with Queensland Health directions parents or carers of any child showing signs of illness will be asked to collect them immediately from the College.
We have done a great job so far this term Calvary, let’s continue to support and encourage each other as we resume a more ‘normal’ look and feel for our College. My thanks in advance to our families for your understanding, patience and consideration this term.
Yours sincerely
Steve Downes College Principal